Day One

I’m not choosing to live today as though it is my last – I’m choosing to live it as though it is my FIRST.

Every day is Day One for me. No matter how good or bad yesterday was – regardless if I ended the day feeling negative and defeated, or if I ended it with joy and gratitude – today is Day One. A new start. Today is filled with endless possibilities.

I feel like that gives me two things – one, I don’t have to be weighed down with yesterday’s failures. I always have a chance to start over and do things right. If I snapped at my kids, ate an entire bag of oreos, whatever, I can start again. It’s easier to contemplate eating well today if I’m not wallowing in mistakes I made before. It’s also easier to apologize for things when I’ve already hit the reset button and know that I’m moving forward in a better space.

Second, it keeps me excited and optimistic about the future. I love beginnings – the mindset that the sky is the limit and everything is exactly as it should be. Nothing is impossible when you’re first starting out on something. I look at every day with that amount of possibility, knowing yesterday is done, last week is done, today is Day One and I can do this.

My body is so &*$!ing strong. When I think about how many toxins and chemicals I’ve hit it with (both medicinal and recreational) and how many times I’ve tried to break it…its ability to adapt to, fend off or incorporate every single challenge it has encountered never ceases to amaze me. But honestly, I’m still in the process of clearing out the effects of five months of chemo, and it gets frustrating sometimes. The last 10 pounds of chemo weight, the lingering neuropathy in my toes, the hot flashes…it can be discouraging to have these things hanging on a year after my treatment ended. I will say that my hair reached a tipping point recently – it’s long enough now that I can make it look cute, and I FINALLY look like me again.

So today is Day One. I have the chance to fix it all; to eat well, to do something fun with my kids, to write a game-changing novel, to connect with someone, and to collapse into my bed tonight with a feeling of accomplishment and gratitude.


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