
I ordered ten copies of my novel to bring to the launch party last Sunday. And I was certain – absolutely certain – that I’d have a bunch left over to use for giveaways or whatnot. When I told the host of the party that I’d ordered ten copies, her eyebrow hit the ceiling as she replied, “Only ten?” So I ordered ten more, freaking out a little at how much I was spending on this launch, but hopeful that I’d sell just enough to break even.

The day of the party, the second shipment of books hadn’t shown up yet. So two of my neighbors, who had purchased two copies each through Amazon, brought their copies and made them available. Which gave us fourteen copies to sell. Again, I was certain there would be a ton left over.

Um, I ran out. And then when the second shipment arrived and I announced that I had more, I ran out again – in less than ten minutes.

Now I’m not going to be so bold as to claim that my book is so completely fabulous that people are clamoring to get their hands on it (I mean, I think it’s that fabulous, but I am slightly biased). However, it is extremely humbling that my friends and family are this supportive. Especially when most of them have watched me launch books before – albeit not a whole novel before, but still. I’m humbled.

Then, in the midst of all of this, Facebook was so kind as to show me a post from 2013, when I was in the dregs of chemo and having a particularly rough day. I read the post, remembered the day, and then clicked on the comments. Guys, you have no idea. I like to think that we all deserve that much kindness, but it’s hard to feel like I actually deserve it. Or that I’ve given back in the same volume. Again, humbled.

So, on this Wisdom Wednesday, I’d like to say thank you. Thank you for listening, thank you for supporting me in those moments when you thought I was nuts. Thank you for when you offered advice, critiques, and suggestions. Thank you for when you stayed silent. Thank you for standing on the sidelines cheering me on as I navigate my crazy life. Thank you for making your own bold moves in life so that I can be inspired by you.

Thank you.

Read The Pointy Hat Brigade here

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