The House We Build

Okay. I don’t have a huge amount to say this morning (a rarity, I know), but I do want to pass on a little something I’ve been chewing on. It’s a quote by Michael Bernard Beckwith, and it goes like this:

“If this experience were to last forever, what quality would have to emerge for me to have peace of mind?”

I remembered it yesterday, and found it this morning as I pondered what I wanted my day to look like. I’ve been searching, as have so many of us, for what I’m going to do after the events of this week. I’ve been doing a lot of feeling, and that’s good, that’s healthy. But in the midst of all of these feelings has been a deep seated knowledge that feeling isn’t going to be enough. It’s the equivalent to sending thoughts and prayers to Syria, it’s not enough. It won’t get us to Act II in the story.

I’ve landed on a few causes that I can put my energy into, and I’m sure you’ll hear about those soon enough, but over the last couple of days I’ve watched the tone of the anti-Trump movement on social media shifting into a couple of specific moods. There are those who are moving toward acceptance – they’re weary of the anger and the hate being tossed around from all sides, and just want to get back to their normal lives. They want to have hope that Trump won’t destroy our country, and therefore are looking for any sign that this might be the case. I can respect that approach.

Then there are those who are not even remotely done being angry, who are not done making sure we see all of the despicable acts of violence and hatred being performed in Trump’s name. These folks are unwaveringly horrified by the events unfolding, and will not yield to any version of compliance. I can respect that approach as well.

What I want to stress to each person as an individual is this – what is growing in your heart right now? What will grow inside of your heart these next few days, weeks, months? Which seeds are you planting? Will you be proud and at peace with what grows?

I’m not answering this question for anyone but myself – there are as many answers to these questions as there are people and personalities in the world. What I’m asking is that you take a moment and assess your heart. The seeds you’re planting with your thoughts and words and actions…are they seeds of love and determination and hope for the future? Because if they are seeds of hate and resentment – regardless of how justified you feel they are – then that is what will grow. That is the house you will build.

Please understand that I’m not telling anyone to lay down and stop fighting. Just the opposite, if you want the truth. But we have to do it out of strength and resilience, out of love and hope – not out of fear and hate. So choose your arguments wisely – is the war you’re about to unleash in the comments of your family member’s Facebook post going to actually further your cause? Is what you’re about to type going to change anyone’s mind? Offer someone support? Make this world a better place?

If not, maybe rethink it, and find a productive way to expend your energies. Change what you can change, and do it out of love.

Always love.

1 thought on “The House We Build

  1. If we rebuild on a foundation of love, how can we go wrong? I will stand alongside all those with the same intention, even if there are still varying degrees of awareness as to far we’ve gotten off the path and how far we have to traverse to get back on. In love and solidarity. What a privilege this is.

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